Office of the North West Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) educates Elite on the Role of the Institution.

​Office of the Northwest Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) educates Elite on the role of the institution.

 By Ruth Che Wachong 

Tamfu Simon Fai

North West PIC

The office of the Northwest Public Independent Conciliator recently schooled North  West Top Elites on the creation, organization and functioning of the institution. In his opening statement, the PIC highlighted a number of functions and achievements of the institution since it went functional.

" The PIC is a public pacificator, watchdog and advocate. It has a 6 years nonrenewable mandate to ensure good Governance in  Local, City and Regional councils, as well as defend and prevent aggrieved persons suffering from direct and indirect discrimination, marginalization and violation of their rights and freedoms"   the PIC explained.

Participants at the Information seminar 

" The Public Independent Conciliator exists to see that users and beneficiaries of services of the Northwest Regional Assembly, City and Local councils are treated with respect and fairness regardless of gender, tribe,  Religious or Ethnic affiliations. The PIC is not a court, hence settles disputes amicably" Tamfu Simon explained further.

The information seminar witnessed three presentations on key factors;

The first presentation by the PIC dwelt on the creation, missions and functioning of the office of the PIC. 

The substantive mandates of the PIC characterized the second presentation handled by the Research Officer at the PIC, Mr Ndi Nelson.

Complaint Management mechanism and amicable settlements of disputes by Barrister Yang Francis rounded off Mondays presentations.

Ndi Nelson .N.

Research Officer, PIC

According to the Northwest PIC, the office has successfully treated 53 out of a total number of 64 complaints received. The remaining 11 untreated cases are mostly related to things out of the PICs mandate such as; witchcraft, land problems and chieftaincy issues. These cases are however transmitted to the competent institutions by the PIC, on behalf of the complainant.

The information seminar witnessed the presence of some top Government officials in the likes of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency incharge of Supreme State Audit, Mme Mbah Acha Rose, Former Prime Minister Philemon Yang, Mme Regina Mundi, Governor of the Northwest Region, amongst others.

North West Governor,PIC pose with Northwest Top Elites in Government 

Note should be taken that Mondays seminar comes after others organized by the PIC for;

Northwest Senior Divisional Officers in their capacities as Supervising Authorities for local Councils, Mayors, Members of the House of Divisional Representatives and Members of the House of Chiefs of the Regional Assembly.

Published by Upfront 


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