
Showing posts from August, 2024

Ntambang Community Leaders, Women, Youths Receive Training on FGM, GBV, Harmful Practices!

Some Religious Leaders, Councillors, parents and youths at the Ntambang neighborhood in Bamenda II have received trainings on Sexual Reproduction Health (SRH) issues like Toxic Masculinity, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Gender Based Violence (GBV), among others. These are part of activities under the “Adjust For Me” Project under execution in some Four (4) Local Council Areas in Bamenda. The series of campaigns carried out by Community Spokespersons assigned by Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) in the Ntambag neighbourhood are geared towards encouraging open conversations about sex Education, body autonomy and discouraging excessive dowries that objectify girls.  The sessions held at Council Halls, Mosques and at door to door levels provided a platform for Community spokespersons to interact with participants on a one on one bases to discuss SRHR issues. One of such sessions was very impactful to Bashira Bintu, "This is a beautiful opportunity for youths like myse

Bamenda II Council/Brampton City Council Sign Cooperation Agreement in Ontario Canada!!

After close to two years of lobbying and negotiations between the Bamenda II and Brampton Councils, a Cooperation Agreement was signed Thursday August 22, 2024 in Ontario Canada.  Mayor Patrick Brown & Mayor Chenwi Peter brandishing the Signed Agreement.  The win win agreement according to Mayor Chenwi Peter will benefit both Councils in diverse ways as the areas of Cooperation include the following; - Manpower and Human Resource Development, - ⁠Agriculture, Rural Development  - ⁠Education, Waste Management - ⁠Tourism, Environment and Climate Change, - ⁠Road maintainance, Council Management, amongst others. The Bamenda II Municipality stands to benefit from the agreement through the intervention of Brampton City Council in the following areas; - Construction, rehabilitation and equipment of Schools and Health facilities within Bamenda II, - ⁠Construction of shelters for Internally Displaced Persons, - ⁠Acquisition of a Grader and Excavator for the Equipment Pool of the Council, amo

MINADER Launches PULCCA Project to Advance Food Security, Climate Resilience!!

In a bid to address the growing food crisis in Cameroon, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel Mbairobe, officially launched the Emergency Project to Combat Food Crises in Cameroon (PULCCA) in Bamenda, North West Region. The Project to run from 2023 to 2025 is poised to significantly benefit local farmers by providing them with essential agricultural inputs and tools aimed at enhancing food production and building resilience against climate shocks. H.E GABRIEL MBAIROBE Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Financed by a 59 Billion World Bank loan with additional 1.48 Billion FCFA state funding, the project targets six food crisis-affected Regions in Cameroon, including the North West. It aims to alleviate the pressures on natural resources exacerbated by conflict and climate change which have severely impacted food availability and affordability. Speaking at the event held at the North West Development Authority (MIDENO) premises, Minister Mbairobe Gabriel

COMAGEND Partners with Media Professionals to Amplify SRHR Reporting!

​COMAGEND Partners with Media Professionals to Amplify SRHR Reporting! By Ruth Che Wachong   Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) is currently carrying out a Ten Months intensive program on understanding Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in some Four (4) selected Communities in Bamenda. This was the outcome of a one day intensive workshop between COMAGEND Executives, Media Professionals and Community Leaders that recently held in Bamenda.    COMAGEND Executive Director, Dr Sally                Mboumien orientating Media Partners/  Community Leaders. Strategies adopted to be used during the Projects lifespan will include amongst others; Creating characters that defy traditional norms, Promoting Gender Equality, Fostering healthy musculinity such as empathy, care and respect, encouraging audience participation. Media Partners (Blue), Community Leaders (Yellow) in  a working Session. The Executive Director of COMAGEND had this to say when asked about the role of media in