2023 Investment Budget: Wum Council at 75% Execution rate!

2023 Investment Budget: Wum Council at 75% Execution rate!

By Ruth Che Wachong 

The Wum Council has recorded a 75% execution rate of the Investment Budget in the second quarter of 2023. This information was made public during the Midterm Evaluation Session of the Wum Council that recently took place in Wum.

Dighambong Anthony

Mayor Wum Council 

Opening the session Wednesday July 11th 2023, Mayor Dighambong Anthony said it was an opportunity for Councillors and stakeholders to do an assessment of the first six months of 2023, ending June.

“ There is need for us to debate and adopt a worthwhile economic, social and cultural program for our Municipality. We are here today because of the ongoing assigned task of the voted budget baptized “ The Budget for Local Economic Development and Youth Empowerment” for the 2023 Financial year.

Mayor Dighambong Anthony.

The Mayor flanked by SDO for Menchum

According to the Mayor, the session provides a platform to evaluate the Councils activities and make meaningful auto criticisms. 

“This will enable us do projections and find plausible further development initiatives, so as to best execute the 2023 Budget which is almost half way gone”

Mayor flanked by 2 Councillors 

The Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Abdoulahi Aliou, was thankful for the gradual return to normalcy in Menchum, evident in the number of participants at the midterm Evaluation session. He thanked locals for collaborating with the Council to ensure proper project execution.

                       Abdoulahi Aliou

                        SDO Menchum 

Mayor Dighambong expressed a major challenge as far as some contract executions are concerned in the Wum Municipality. He shunned contractors who donnot respect contract terms, using insecurity on the Bamenda - Wum stretch of road as justification.

After a 75% execution of the Investment budget in the second quarter of the year, Mayor Dighambong and team are looking forward to a 100% execution rate by the close of the third quarter of the year. The Council is also hopeful that the introduction of a new tax collection code and sales of City Builders cards  in the Wum Municipality will facilitate the realization of Council projects. Hence the call on Councillors to be watchdogs in all project intervention areas.

Note should be taken that the 2023 budget for Wum Council balances in revenue and expenditure at the sum of Nine hundred and Ninety-eight Million, Five hundred thousand (998.500.000) CFA FRS.

Published by UPfront

Picture credit: Wum Council 

July 11th 2023


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