Understanding the MAPUTO Protocol; PEARL Foundation Trains Grassroots Women Leaders, Female Lawyers, Journalists!

Understanding the MAPUTO Protocol; PEARL Foundation Trains Grassroots Women Leaders, Female Journalists, Lawyers!

By Ruth Che Wachong

Addressing participants during the training that brought together Grassroots Women, Female Journalists, Lawyers and Female Theologians in Bamenda, Founder/ Coordinator of PEARL Foundation, Josephine Nsono said the training was aimed at improving access to justice for grassroots women, especially those with disabilities, create awareness on the MAPUTO Protocol so vulnerable and suffering women can use these instruments in law courts where constitutional laws are not enough.

Family Picture of Facilitators with Participants 

“Bringing 60 Women Leaders, Female Lawyers, Journalists, Female Theologians,  Male Journalists and Male Clergy is aimed at not just creating awareness about the protocol but also to discuss the controversies that surround the Protocol and establish our stands as far as the Protocol is concerned. We therefore need people to understand the importance of this protocol which also clamours for safe abortion to eligible cases. This must be after a competent medic has proven that the life of the mother is in danger as the pregnancy in question could cause her life. In essence, we want to reduce maternal and infant mortality"

Nsono Josephine
Founder/Coordinator, PEARL Foundation 

Revealing her expectations after the training, Josephine Nsono says 

“ The main expectation is that we raise a network where we have women leaders from the grassroots refer cases of abuse and violence to female Theologians and Female Lawyers who would provide Pro bono services to assist them. We want to encourage them to not sit and wallow in their pains but to ensure their cases reach Female Lawyers for justice to be provided”

Participants engaged in Group Work

Reacting to frequent Human Rights Violations on women especially in the North West and South West Regions, PEARL Founder says;

“Majority of cases we have struggled with in our courts have not seen the light of the day because there are times Justice lies in the whims and caprices of the presiding Judge and there are times the Judge rules family related issues in favour of customary courts. 

"We understand that many Prosecutors are not aware of the MAPUTO Protocol, so “The Bread for the World” Funded Project through PEARL Foundation is here to create awareness on all 32 Articles of the Protocol, because Regional or Global instruments usually take precedence over National Laws. We want to use the existing laws to make sure women donnot remain in bondage, just because Justice is at the beg and call of the Presiding Judge”

Nsono Josephine.

“Attending this Workshop as an Indigenous Women Leader is a big advantage because I will take all the knowledge gathered here back to my people. Women in general face a lot of challenges but indigenous women have more challenges. There’s this culture of silence which is common in our indigenous settings as women usually shy away from exposing culprits.

This training has therefore equipped me with tools to help them and I am happy because I can talk to them in our local language which they can better understand”

Hawe Buba, Indigenous Women Leader.

Talking about the motivations behind the creation of PEARL Foundation, the Founder had this to say;

“PEARL Foundation was founded in 2018 after the Founder suffered a lot of violence as a young girl, in marriage and widowhood. She decided to dedicate her time, energy and resources to ensure that no one goes through same derogatory treatment. We are therefore here to create awareness so as to prevent what is preventable by informing grassroots women that they can prevent abortion by going to the hospital for emergency contraceptives within 72 hours after rape”

The MAPUTO Protocol is a protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa. It guarantees rights to take part in the Political process, Social and political equality with men, to control their reproductive health and end female genital mutilation.

With slogan “Until Every Child feels Safe” the PEARL Foundation through its activities ensures Capacity development, has a Zero tolerance policy for sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of all kinds to children and women. It is also commited to preventing all forms of violence through capacity building and training for staff, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from intentional and unintentional harm.


Published by UPFRONT

                   Wednesday April 17th 2024

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