COMAGEND Partners with Media Professionals to Amplify SRHR Reporting!

​COMAGEND Partners with Media Professionals to Amplify SRHR Reporting!

By Ruth Che Wachong 

Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) is currently carrying out a Ten Months intensive program on understanding Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in some Four (4) selected Communities in Bamenda. This was the outcome of a one day intensive workshop between COMAGEND Executives, Media Professionals and Community Leaders that recently held in Bamenda.

   COMAGEND Executive Director, Dr Sally                Mboumien orientating Media Partners/  Community Leaders.

Strategies adopted to be used during the Projects lifespan will include amongst others; Creating characters that defy traditional norms, Promoting Gender Equality, Fostering healthy musculinity such as empathy, care and respect, encouraging audience participation.

Media Partners (Blue), Community Leaders (Yellow) in a working Session.

The Executive Director of COMAGEND had this to say when asked about the role of media in SRHR issues,

“The media continues to be an essential arm in helping our communities to eradicate Gender Based Violence (GBV), address challenges of toxic masculinity, and barriers to accessing SRH services. It is therefore our wish that more people especially in the targeted communities understand their SRHR through diverse reports from our Media Partners”

Dr Sally Mboumien, Executive Director, COMAGEND

Dr Sally Mboumien giving directives to Media Partners/Community Leaders

The Project to be executed in Four Local Council Areas of Ntarikon, Nitob II, Ntambang and Mulang, according to the Project Lead, Asoh Etheldreda will help break barriers and enhance the spread of advocacy messages on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights issues, especially in the targeted communities where SRHR issues still remain a myth to many.

Christened “Adjust For Me”, the Project funded by Amplify Change will run for the next 10 months beginning July 2024.

Created in 2016, Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) is a community based organisation with main objectives to uphold Women and Girls Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, in order to ensure that girls develop their full potential and enjoy social inclusion. Among its activities, COMAGEND runs Girls Clubs that aim to increase Girls confidence and raise awareness about issues such as Menstruation, Personal Hygiene, Unwanted Pregnancies and Abortion.

Published by UPFRONT

August 6th 2024


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