2023 Management & Adminstrative Accounts Adopted at MIDENO 57th BOD!

2023 Management and Adminstrative Accounts Adopted at 57th BOD!

The 2023 Management and Adminstrative Accounts for the North West Development Authority (MIDENO) have been examined and Adopted. This was the outcome of the 57th Board of Directors Meeting that recently took place in Bamenda.

MIDENO Baord of Directors

Opening the session Thursday, the Board Chair expressed satisfaction concerning the different reports presented and reassured Stakeholders of Governments continues commitment to combat food crisis in the Region through MIDENO.

MIDENO Board Chair 

"After listening to 2 key Resource Persons, the Project Coordinators of the Rice Value Chain Development Project (RVCDP) and the Livestock Development Project Phase II (LIFIDEP) including a roadmap on how the Emergency Project to combat Food Crises in Cameroon ( PULCCA) will be implemented, i can assure you all that food insecurity will be a thing of the past in our Region. I would like to call on Stakeholders of the different projects to mobilize themselves to support and increase security in the Region in order to ease implementation of these projects designed by Government to alleviate poverty in the Region"

MIDENO Board Chair

Presentations during the meeting featured among others, a Situation Report on the Emergency Project to Combat Food Crises in Cameroon (PULCCA), 2024 Progress Report on Investment Realizations, updates on the Rice Value Chain Development Project ( RVCDP) and Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP lI).

Report by Ruth Che Wachong with pictures and excerpts from MIDENO Communications Unit.

Published by Upfront 

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