Bamenda II Council/Brampton City Council Sign Cooperation Agreement in Ontario Canada!!

After close to two years of lobbying and negotiations between the Bamenda II and Brampton Councils, a Cooperation Agreement was signed Thursday August 22, 2024 in Ontario Canada. 

Mayor Patrick Brown & Mayor Chenwi Peter brandishing the Signed Agreement. 

The win win agreement according to Mayor Chenwi Peter will benefit both Councils in diverse ways as the areas of Cooperation include the following;

- Manpower and Human Resource Development,

- ⁠Agriculture, Rural Development 

- ⁠Education, Waste Management

- ⁠Tourism, Environment and Climate Change,

- ⁠Road maintainance, Council Management, amongst others.

The Bamenda II Municipality stands to benefit from the agreement through the intervention of Brampton City Council in the following areas;

- Construction, rehabilitation and equipment of Schools and Health facilities within Bamenda II,

- ⁠Construction of shelters for Internally Displaced Persons,

- ⁠Acquisition of a Grader and Excavator for the Equipment Pool of the Council, among others.

The Brampton Council on the other hand will also benefit in the following  areas;

- The deployment of manpower from Bamenda II Municipality for the Agriculture sector in Brampton,

- ⁠Supply of Agricultural products, artifacts for Meseums, Quartzites and other minerals are some of the advantages of the agreement to the City of Brampton.

Mayor Chenwi Peter also received a Certificate of Recognition by the Brampton City Council during Thursday’s event. The Mayor returned the gesture by gifting Mayor Patrick Brown the North West Traditional regalia with accessories. Councillors and other Council Staff also received gifts from Mayor Chenwi at the event.

Mayor Patrick Brown dressed in Traditional attire from Mayor Chenwi Peter.

Mayor Patrick Brown hands Recognition Certificate to Mayor Chenwi Peter

Promoters of the African Business Center (ABC) used the event to invite Mayor Chenwi Peter to a preparatory meeting prior to the official opening of the First African Mall in Brampton, Canada. The Mayor during deliberations highlighted how Bamenda II Council could be a strategic partner to ABC by supplying items such as Palm oil, Traditional Toghu, natural honey, food items amongst others. These items according to the Mayor will help showcase the “Made in Cameroon” brand.

Note should be taken that negotiations for this partnership date way back to 2022 when Mayor Chenwi alongside other Mayors attended the holding of the Forum on Decentralized Cooperation and Development (FOCODDEV), organized by the Network for Decentralized Cooperation and Sustainable Development (Reseau pour la Cooperation Decentralisee et du Developpement Durable).

Published by UPFRONT with pictures from Suh Eric in Ontario Canada.


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